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Sensory Chew pendant @ Oliver’s Sensory Toybox

These Sensory Chew Pendant are FDA compliant and made from food grade silicon, meaning they are safe to chew on as they are not to soft or hard. They are durable and can be cleaned by soap and water. These pendants are light and portable meaning they can be used in lots of different locations whether inside or outside and can be used to play with or to bite.

Proven to reduce anxiety and stress, especially from those suffering from sensory input disorders the pendant is a safe alternative to chewing on nails, clothing, pens and hard objects.

The tiny bulges on the back and more lego like bigger bulges on the front really help with meeting the different sensory needs that it aims to help and make a difference with.

Bright and vibrant colours can induce aggression, hyperactivity and sensory overload so that’s why more calming and soothing colour tones are used.

These are perfect for those with Autism,  ADHD, and aggressive chewers (to name a few).

All young users need to be under direct and constant supervision by an adult while this pendant is in use, as it is not a simple play toy. The breakaway clasps makes biting safer and prevents choking and accidents.